42 Lower Kings Road, Berkhamsted Herts HP4 2AA

Help for Arthritis

What type of Arthritis do you have?

Although there are many types of arthritis, they are in two broad categories, osteoarthritis (wear and tear) or inflammatory arthritis. The most common form is osteoarthritis which occurs when there is damage to the bone and cartilage; in severe cases it can make everyday mobility a real challenge.  There are several contributory factors including muscle inhibition , poor nutrition, malabsorption, injury, repetitive work or exercise, general wear and tear, post-menopause or any combination.

Signs of Osteoarthritis:

  • Early morning joint stiffness
  • Joint pain and swelling
  • Increased pain during prolonged activity which is relieved by rest
  • Injury

A GP will usually prescribe non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) which have the nasty side effect of gastric irritation.

Signs of Inflammatory Arthritis:

  • Younger age of onset pain and swelling
  • Increased pain with any movement
  • Unrelated to injury
  • Swelling and redness around the joint

Effective treatments are those that look to establish exactly what is triggering the inflammation or degeneration.  It could be liver toxicity, dietary issues, acidity within the joints or the entire lot!  Certain foods may set off a cascade of chemical reactions which fuel the inflammation, potentially leading to arthritis. Anyone suffering from joint pain, stiffness or arthritis will benefit from a personalised programme, but my general tips below should really help with the symptoms.

Tips to take care of your joints

  • Avoid the deadly ‘nightshade’ foods.  These are potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, aubergines and the tobacco plant. Interesting article here. They contain the toxin Alpha-Solanine which has been linked to joint pain and inflammation.
  • Eat foods rich in Omega 3 and 6 oils.  Foods such as oily fish (salmon, mackerel and sardines), seeds (flaxseed, pumpkin and chia), nuts (walnuts, almonds and pecans) and herbs (basil, oregano and marjoram) contain essential fatty acids that are vital in producing and repairing connective tissue.  They also play a key role in reducing inflammation.
  • Magnesium is important as it helps to ease tightness in the muscles and maintain the pH balance in the tissues around your joints.  You will absorb this in your Friday Epsom Bath Salts night.  Take a supplement if you already have arthritis and eat plenty of green leafy vegetables.
  • Eat foods rich in Zinc.  Pumpkin seeds are particularly good as a natural anti-inflammatory.
  • Eat sulphur-rich foods such as eggs, onions, garlic and leeks.  You could also take an MSM supplement.
  • Taking Glucosamine can also help. I recommend Everflex.
  • Drink plenty of water!  It’s important to keep well hydrated.
  • Avoid fizzy drinks, caffeine, alcohol and gluten.
  • Try to avoid acidic foods such as refined sugars and carbohydrates.  You can test the pH balance of your body using litmus papers first thing in the morning.  These are available from most health stores.
  • Pilates, swimming or cycling are amongst the best non-traumatic knee-strengthening exercises if you have arthritis in your knee.

Naturality Practitioners Supporting Patients with Arthritis

  • Kate Lomax

    Kate Lomax

    Massage and Nutritional Therapy

    I am a seasoned health practitioner with well over a decade’s experience in supporting client’s wellness goals. I am both a qualified Nutritional Therapist with a 3 year diploma from The College of Naturopathic Medicine in London and a qualified Level 5 sports and remedial Massage Therapist with a diploma from the School of Natural Therapies.

  • Alex Hammond

    Alex Hammond Knowles

    Massage Therapist

    Deep Tissue Massage
    Swedish Massage
    Lymphatic Drainage
    Lava Shell Massage
    Indian Head Massage
    Pregnancy Massage

  • Alyson Carter

    Alyson Carter

    Nutritional Therapist

    Alyson Carter is a Nutritional Therapist having graduated from the College of Naturopathic Medicine in London. She is registered with the Nutritional Therapy Council (NTC) and is a member of the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CHNC) and the British Association of Applied Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy (BANT).

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